Herbal medicine is so much more than simply prescriptive medicine
Herbal medicine has been evolving over many moons, most recently it has entered the mainstream psyche through the popularism of the supplement market and the availability of herbal tea bags on supermarket shelves. This has brought about many benefits for herbalism in general terms yet at the same time has increased a prescriptive response to the use of herbal medicine.

Using herbs to care for the body
An approach of offering herbal medicine as an expression of care for the body, as an opportunity of an exploration of being. An approach where we feel safe in life, as life, where experience is both valued and cared for as an expression of the whole of life. We are the custodians if you like of the body so it makes sense to care for the body as we would a child.
Healing and the body
Healing could be described as an energetic return to wholeness, to the source. In terms of the body as a re-emergence of the body's alignment to its source. Yet mostly healing remains a mystery not in a fatalistic way more I am inferring that healing is beyond our thoughts, beliefs and constructs of health.
Nine easy ways to support and nourish your nervous system in daily life
Nurturing the nervous system is at the heart of caring for the body in a very functional way. When the nervous system is cared for in a way that respects its function, it gently whispers to all the other systems of the body "It is safe to allow the interconnectedness of each system to support, enliven, and flow together as one beautiful physiological dance."
May we delight in the many faces and experiences of change
February is here. January has completed itself and we can experience a new month, a fresh one, with a clean slate. In our daily lives, we are constantly experiencing change.