Using herbs to care for the body


Using herbs to care for the body

An approach of offering herbal medicine as an expression of care for the body, as an opportunity of an exploration of being. An approach where we feel safe in life, as life, where experience is both valued and cared for as an expression of the whole of life. We are the custodians if you like of the body so it makes sense to care for the body as we would a child.

Care for the body as we would a child

An approach of offering herbal medicine as an expression of care for the body, as an opportunity of an exploration of being. An approach where we feel safe in life, as life, where experience is both valued and cared for as an expression of the whole of life. We are the custodians if you like of the body so it makes sense to care for the body as we would a child.

As an exploration of being the care of the body and where the response to symptoms, disease and diagnosis is an opportunity to embody wholeness. To value everyday life and the interconnectedness of everything. To recognise we are one and simultaneously unique expressions of the whole. To celebrate life.

All our bodies are open to being listened to

Each of us receives the loving, affirming, liberating songs of the herbs in our unique perfect response. Each of our bodies asks for different dosage when using herbal medicine. Some may ask for large strong doses others may ask for sensitive tiny doses, some may ask for the spirit of the plant rather than the manifest form. All our bodies are open to being listened to, to being experienced as sensation, as a felt sense. The body is beautiful signpost or doorway to Life be that if we are experiencing a so-called healthy body or a so-called unhealthy body.

As an exploration of Being everything is welcome, maybe not everything is experienced as easy or comfortable. When the foundation of our exploration is steeped in the nondual understanding of wholeness, our investigations/explorations are held in a warm blanket of care. When we attend to the body through the soft gaze, we see so much more than the symptom or diagnosis.

What is care?

The question 'what is care?' has always been an enthusiasm, that has accompanied me alongside the journey of working as a herbal practitioner. The question has also been a thread in my daily life including within the roles of mothering, grand mothering and more.

Care is a felt sense. It is a passing through energy if you like rather than a commodity. Care is always present whether we are aware of it or not. We know care when we experience care. This pure quality of care is at the heart of all our symptoms and diagnosis. Care is at the heart of herbal medicine, the way in which the plants are harvested, prepared as medicine, offered to the body. The care in the way in which the qualities of the plant touch the tissues, the blood, the muscles, the tendons, the cells of the body.

Any questions you are most welcome to email me.

Enjoy and lots of love,

Amanda x

To find out how herbal and natural healing remedies could help you, book a consultation or find me on Facebook.

Thoughts and inspiration