Healing and the body
Healing could be described as an energetic return to wholeness, to the source. In terms of the body as a re-emergence of the body's alignment to its source. Yet mostly healing remains a mystery not in a fatalistic way more I am inferring that healing is beyond our thoughts, beliefs and constructs of health.
On rare occasions I have experienced meeting a client with a terminal diagnosis where healing would be described as the peace that is revealed as surrender, acceptance and love unfold within their experience. For others healing includes the dissolving of symptoms and diagnosis of the body/mind.
How will I manage? Why me?
Psychological suffering to some degree or other is nearly always an aspect of any symptom or diagnosis. By this I am referring to thoughts of “how will I manage? why me? I want things to be different etc“. These aspects are all asking to be listened to from a location of the soft gaze, one that sees the whole picture if you like and listens to the aspects of us that are afraid. There can also be residues of old memories, old grievances. All of which are waiting to be listened to and acknowledged.
Herbs are the body/minds friend that whispers of our wholeness and our beauty. By supporting the body with the memory of its heritage, of its vibrational structure. No book can tell us what healing is. To directly experience healing in our unique expression is the invitation if you like, Yet a book or a practitioner, a friend or a chance encounter can all be a signposts.
Don’t let yourself become lost in your symptoms
Each system within the body is interconnected to the whole physiology. My encouragement is often to welcome the whole body when attending to a particular aspect of the body, both can occur simultaneously. Many of us are familiar with teachings such as “we are not our emotions, not our thoughts“ yet it can feel quite a stretch to embrace the words “we are not the body, we are not our symptoms, not the diagnosis.” We can hear the words “don’t let yourself become lost in your symptoms”, yet the mind may react with how?
For myself I find the poet Rumi's beautiful words to be of assistance.
When we start to walk on the way
The path appears.

Any questions you are most welcome to email me.
Enjoy and lots of love,
Amanda x
To find out how herbal and natural healing remedies could help you, book a consultation or find me on Facebook.