Birthing Mamma held in the arms of Love


Birthing Mamma held in the arms of Love

Sometimes birth is called an involuntary action, meaning that one way or another birth will occur. The physiology of birth is such a beautiful dance and birth is a wonderful demonstration of this beauty.

The process if you like is for the mother's body to open wide and together mamma and baby dance the journey of birth. Each breath, each contraction of the uterus, each opening of the cervix is an invitation arising from the heart in allowing the movement outwards to be welcomed, to be fully completed, to be liberated. Then this vibration of movement outwards returns to the heart.

Breathing in Love
Breathing out Love
Breathing out Love
Breathing in Love

To be held in the arms of The Great Mother is to be loved for no reason, to be nurtured for no reason. Most of us have experienced conditioning that supports the long- held belief that we have to deserve Love. Generation after generation have retold this story of belief. The Great Mother, the feminine aspect of God reveals to us that this long- held belief is not true. Birth is such a beautiful opportunity to discover and to experience being held in the arms of Love.

To trust the arms of Love even when it appears the body is not doing it so called "right". Any uneasiness, any discomfort, any disappointment is welcomed by the arms of Love. Being loved, being nurtured for no reason. This doesn't mean a fatalistic response /approach to birth. Absolutely not, its an invitation to listen deeply to our innate intelligence and intuition. We can use whatever is of assistance to care for the body. This supports transformation. Caring for the body at such times can easily be forgotten or dismissed. Yet the smallest expression of self -kindness, of care, can and does move mountains.

Our herbal allies offer their nourishment, care, vitality, energizing capacity and softening qualities to remind us that we are always held in the arms of Love.

A few of the herbs I may use from the birthing medicine bag, the easiest form to use herbs during birthing is as a tincture;

  • Motherwort; offers qualities of calming and soothing. assists in connecting the heart and the uterus energetically.
  • Cramp bark: a wonderful ally for relaxing the uterus.
  • Skullcap: Offers calming, relaxing qualities. Great for energizing when exhausted.
  • Ladys mantle: A helpful ally when there is a lot of tension and emotion arising.
  • Angelica Archangelica: Offers the qualities of unfolding. Can be of great assistance in assisting the placenta to be birthed when assistance is needed.

There are of course many more herbs that could be listed. 

It may be a birthing experience where our herbal allies stay in the medicine bag and equally it may be a birthing experience where the herbs beautiful qualities and gifts are offered and received. Either way, my heart sings with gratitude to our herbal allies. 

Birth companions/doulas offer care, nourishment, vitality and trust

When we are honoured to accept the role of birth companion/doula there is an opportunity to reflect the arms of the Great Mother. This asks of us not only to listen deeply and witness the birthing mamma but also ourself. To "check in "with ourself as to our location if you like. From where do our words, actions arise "To check in" with ourself as to how our nervous system is responding.

The birthing companion/doulas medicine bag

The soft gaze; allowing and witnessing an unknown experience unfold while still experiencing our own presence. Often when there is such a softening of the gaze there is no separation.

Spacious response; Allowing as much spaciousness as possible as we can moment to moment, especially when we don't like or agree with situations. This enables a caring response/action to arise within the situation.

An inquiry question I offer to students on training courses to take with them into their practice. " how do you like to be met?" Diving into the question, layer by layer we discover and reveal what is the true desire or purpose of any encounter. With this knowledge we can offer this to others.  

Knowledge and experience; Birth companions and doulas share their wisdom, both of knowledge of the body/mind and direct experience of care of the mamma while birthing.

To witness, to hold space, to support a birthing mamma is a sacred opportunity. To be as a ray of light shining from the arms of love. To be the knowing that we are always held in the arms of Love. 

Our much loved course Antenatal Wisdom is an innovative and inspiring approach to working with pregnant and birthing women. Do take a look if your passion is to work and support women in your community.

Amanda x

Thoughts and inspiration